Something different from the animal game but still simple and fun. So if you think you have already played all the games, then you have come to the right place. By making this top 10 as varied as possible, there is something for everyone. There are games for beginners and for smokers with a high tolerance. We will divide the games into this top 10 so that no one has to go home too early.
Important mention: Know your limits and dare to indicate them to your friends. Smoking a stickie should remain fun and relaxing for everyone, so look out for each other.

#1 Trick Puff
Trick Puff requires a lot of your creativity, but luckily smoking helps with that. The more creative you are, the more fun the game becomes. This game requires a large party joint to pass around. The idea is that you take a hit from the joint in the most crazy, weird and unique way possible. For this you can hang upside down or stand on a surf board, nothing is too crazy. Everyone in the group has to imitate you, if you don't succeed you will lose out. The last one standing is the winner and will receive a prize (be sure to think of this yourself).
Variations: you can of course play with a normal joint, but what if you use a joint of 20 to 30 centimeters. Come up with variations yourself and make sure no one can surpass you. Everyone can participate, you don't have to be advanced.
#2 I'm going to Jamaica and I'm taking with me?
With this game you sit in a circle and imagine that you are going on vacation to Jamaica. The first person to start mentions the sentence “I am going to Jamaica and I am taking with me” and then you name a product that you are taking with you. The next person repeats the sentence and the product and comes up with the next product themselves. You will lose weight if you can no longer remember the list until there is no one left.
Tips: pass a joint around to the person whose turn it is or let everyone roll their own joint. Of course you are going to Jamaica, so try to only take weed-related items with you to Jamaica
#3 Mad kush (2 in 1 Stoner Boardgames)
In Mad Kush you choose which of the two games you will play, an old acquaintance that is popular in the coffee shops, or the playful board where you race to the coffee shop. Roll a delicious party joint and choose which side you will play today. In the new weed game from Mad Party Games, the aim is to be the first to reach the coffee shop. Along the way you will come across various Weedleafs (weed leaves). If you land on these cannabis leaves, the joint is yours, smoke the joint until another player lands on a cannabis leaf. You can also deal with a Dealer, bad trip, Fiery Arrow, Joint, Jail, Hustler, Weed Dice and even be completely reset to start. In addition to these entertaining rules, there are also 6 mini-games. These mini-games briefly interrupt the race and provide hilarious moments. So if you and your friends are ready for something new, take a look at Are you even stoned faster than your friends? Prove it in Mad Kush!
Pathé also known as the Moroccan version of Mens don't mind. Pathé is often played in coffee shops, Mad Party Games has its own variant of this. Yes, it's about who gets all four pills first, but don't forget that it's a weed game. On the way to the finish you will encounter several weed Leafs. On these Weed Leafs you can pick up the joint and smoke it. If a fellow player comes across a Weed Leaf, you hand the joint over to this player. If you manage to be the first to be completely inside, you win.
Tip: Try out both weed games and see which one you like best!
#4 Staar wedstrijd
The title speaks for itself, you enter into a staring contest with your friends. Get the group high and start the game. So enjoy your joint on the couch or play one of the games mentioned and then start the staring contest. Take a seat in a circle and all stare at each other. The one who laughs first fails must complete an assignment that the group comes up with.
Tip: Be creative but keep the assignment funk.
#5 Lungs
In this weed game it's all about being able to hold your hit long enough. Roll a joint, take a puff, hold the puff until the joint is back to you. If you cannot hold the puff long enough, you will lose weight. Continue until there is a winner.
Tips: if the group becomes smaller and smaller, try to take several hits per person. Please note that this is not for everyone, so take care of yourself.
#6 Mario kart 64
Something different from the outdoor weed games because, well, we still live in the Netherlands. But enough about the bad weather let's talk about weed games. Nintendo games and especially Mario always do well among stoners. I mean Mario is always happy he must be high. Plug in a game console and plop down on the couch. Everyone roll their own joint and compete against your friends. Put down your joint quickly when a bend comes around because before you know it your friends will be flying around you.
Tip: If you don't have Mario Kart 64 now, look in the old box to see if there is still a cool multiplayer game from the past somewhere. Fire it up and get ready for an evening of old-fashioned gaming.
#7 I have never...
Okay, it's officially a drinking game, but Stoners are brilliant enough to make their own version of it. Everyone rolls their own joint, you take turns telling a story and if you have ever experienced this, you take a drag from your joint.
Tips: There is often a sexual edge to this game, but you can put your own spin on it.
#8 Weed Pong
Everyone knows beer pong, but stoners have a different version of it. Weed pong is exactly the same, except there is a tasty juice of your choice in the cups. If your cup hits the target, you take the number of pre-agreed hits and you can then wash it down with your cup that hits the target. You will soon notice that aiming becomes difficult and your friends will come up with excuses as to why they miss.
Tips: Make sure you can also play this game while sitting, because after a few rounds your legs need some rest. Make sure you practice in advance so that it is certainly not your turn.
#9 Medusa
This Weed game is derived from Greek mythology, in which anyone who looks directly at Medusa would be petrified. Everyone rolls their own joint and makes sure it remains unlit. Then you look at your own feet and you all count down 3-2-1. You look back up and when you look at someone who is not looking at you, you are in the right place. When you look at someone who is also looking at you, you become frozen. You grab your joint, light it and take a hit. Then you do this again until everyone's joint is lit.
Tip: In a large group this game can take a while, feel free to get out if you want to rest for a while, it's just a game.
#10 No yes no no.
Not all cannabis games can be played with two people, so here's a game for just the two of you. Enjoying a nice smoke with a friend and still fancy an easy to play game? Then try no yes, no no! It sounds easy, but you will see that it will be quite disappointing. Every time someone says yes or no, he has to give the joint to the other person. Sometimes you don't need more rules than this to make a game fun.
Tips: make sure you are already a little high, this will make the conversations a little more fun. Make up some forbidden words yourself and see if it still works.